Our online nursing coursework marks the start of your nursing education. By working in tandem with the curriculum’s hands-on, in-person components — skills and simulation experiences and clinical rotations — the online coursework lays the groundwork on which you build an understanding of vital nursing skills and concepts.


woman in striped sweater on computer


The online components of our program make balancing the curriculum’s in-person components manageable, so you can complete your nursing coursework where and when it’s most convenient, provided you meet deadlines and keep up with the coursework’s pace. You will participate in online nursing coursework through an accessible and interactive e-learning platform designed to improve engagement and retention.


Through the online accelerated nursing courses, you will:
•  Develop knowledge and comprehension of foundational and advanced nursing concepts
•  Familiarize yourself with the legal and ethical implications of nursing practice
•  Reinforce professional and therapeutic communication
• Improve time-management and organizational skills

What you learn in the program will be reinforced and build the skills needed for your career.

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Benefits of Online Learning

Online learning has many benefits that you would not experience in traditional, in-person courses. By learning and studying outside the time constraints of in-person classes, you can experience these benefits:
• Flexibility: Online learning allows you to independently complete your coursework when it is most convenient, provided you meet deadlines.
• Accessibility: By incorporating multiple learning modalities, such as informative videos, interactive learning activities and textbook readings, you can engage with your most effective learning preferences.
• Retention: You can access previous coursework and lessons anytime through the e-learning platform to help improve retention.
• Critical Thinking: You will learn to synthesize the knowledge gained from online coursework and apply it to actual nursing practice, teaching you to think critically in clinical scenarios.


woman writing at a desk

Online learning encourages you to develop self-discipline and independence in your studies while fostering community with your cohort and faculty through the e-learning platform's discussion and communication features.

Accessible Student Support

Even though you complete coursework online, you will still have access to faculty and student support services. You can easily reach out to your instructors through the e-learning platform’s communication tools to ask questions, seek feedback, and communicate with your cohort through the platform’s discussion features. You will also interact with your cohort during the curriculum’s in-person components. As a nursing student, you can access our robust student support system. Our academic success coach, academic advisor, and faculty can assist and support you throughout the program.